cna study guide quizlet

Posted on February 21, 2021 · Posted in Uncategorized

... emotions, ideas, or wishes (Example: Girl fails a test. Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) are paraprofessionals who assist individuals with physical disabilities, mental impairments, and other health care needs with their activities of daily living (ADLs). 1. Wash each hand & wrist thoroughly, cleaning well between fingers 9.) Pennsylvania Pearson CNA Exam Preparation & Registration. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. CNA … The body is positioned in normal alignment before rigor mortis sets in. Simulate the Testing Experience. Discard paper towels 14.) Religious services promote spirtual health. Bleeding from an artery occurs in spurts. A CNA can work in a variety of setting; hospital, nursing homes, adult care houses, and personal homes. Aug 9, 2017 - A collection of CNA test study aids to help prepare for the CNA test. UAPs also provide bedside care—including basic nursing procedures—all under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse or other health care professional. Expose fingers or toes if possible allowing for circulation checks. Used for: 1. Often occurs when needs are not met. Dirty & clean linen must NOT TOUCH your uniform; NEVER shake linens, it spreads microbes; NEVER put dirty linens on the floor or clean linens; Follow agency policy for dirty linen; Keep bottom linens tucked in and wrinkle-free; Cover a plastic drawsheet with a cotton drawsheet -- plastic drawsheet must not touch person's body; Straighten & tighten loose sheets, blankets, and bedspreads; Make as much of one side of bed as possible before going to the other side to save time & energy; Change wet, damp, & soiled linen right away, Dentures easily break or chip if dropped on hard surface. Most common in women and can occur at any age. A Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) assists nurses in patient healthcare, daily cares and simple medical procedures. 2000 - 2500 ml of fluid perday are needed for normal fluid balance. These tests are easy to access on either a desktop computer or a mobile device. Speaking Up: Use the nurse or therapist words, guides and directions as this helps the person learn & remember what to do. Face the person during procedure. You yell at a friend. Place 2 fingers on person's Trachea (windpipe) and then slide fingertips down to the groove of the neck. CNA: Prometric - Exam Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet Prepare for your Nurse Aide exam with online practice tests! Gravity. CNA Flashcards. Discard disposable dishes, utensils and trays in person's room. A CNA can work in a variety of setting; hospital, nursing homes, adult care houses, and personal homes. The Exam Cram CNA study guide is a great option. CNA study guide Flashcards | Quizlet Candidates are qualified to become a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), after receiving a criminal record clearance from the Department of Justice (DOJ), completing training requirements approved by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and Page 10/22. Our free CNA sample tests let you know how well you are prepared for the actual CNA test, so that you can concentrate on the areas you need to work on. 6 degrees F - - This site (the ear) has fewer microbes than the mouth or rectum, so risk of spreading infection is reduced. CARE OF ENVIRONMENT - Follow agency policies & procedures for cleaning and maintaining surfaces 9.) Learn cna practice exam with free interactive flashcards. Terms in this set (100) What is one important reason why … Use electric shavers for persons taking anticoagulant drugs (NEVER use safety razors); Protect bed linens by placing a towel under the part being shaved or place towel across shoulders to protect clothing; Soften skin before shaving; Encourage the person to do as much as safely possible; Hold skin taut as needed; Shave in the direction of hair growth when shaving the face and under arms; Shave up from the ankles when shaving legs (this is against hair growth); DO NOT cut, nick, or irritate the skin; Rinse the body part thoroughly; Apply direct pressure to nicks or cuts. Life threatening disease called Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS - attacks the immune system. Flashcards. The CNA exam is separated into two sections: written examination AND clinical skills test. Nursing centers environment must promote quality of life by being clean, safe & as home-like as possible. 6 degrees F - - Taken when the oral route cannot be used. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Study free Nursing flashcards and improve your grades. CNA Flashcards. Magic slates, pencil, paper, picture board, or other methods are used. Joint stiffness occurs with rest and lack of motion. 96.6 - 98.6 degrees F This site (under arm) is less reliable than other sites. Study Flashcards On Practice Questions CNA State exam at Skin loses its elasticity; Fatty tissue layer is lost and makes person more sensitive to cold (protect from drafts); Oil & sweat glands decrease; Dry skin occurs and causes itching and is easily damaged; Skin is fragile and easily injured; Skin breakdown & pressure sores are risks; Skin has fewer nerve endings affecting senses of heat, cold and pain; Nails become thick & tough; Hair turns white or gray and thins, Produce less saliva which can cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia); Taste & smell dull; Appetite decreases; Secretion of digestive juices decreases; Loss of teeth & ill fitting dentures cause chewing problems; Peristalsis decreases, stomach & colon empty slower, flatulence & constipation can occur; Dry, fried, & fatty foods avoided to help with swallowing and digestion problems; Oral hygiene and denture care improve tase; High-fiber foods are hard to chew & can irritate intestines; Persons with chewing problems or constipation often need foods providing soft bulk (whole grain cereal, cooked fruits & veggies), Moving the bone back into place - skin is not open, Involves surgery. Taken with a stethoscope. Requires at least 75 hours of instruction (16 hrs are supervised practical training); includes knowledge & skills needed to give basic nursing care; takes place in a laboratory or clinical setting, After training program you take a written test that has multiple-choice questions and a skills test that is performing certain skills learned in training program. Nursing Assistant training and competency evaluation program must be completed to work in nursing centers and hospital long-term care units. Pain occurs with weight bearing and joint motion. Also,depending on where you test, you may be required to bring someone with you who can serve as a patient who you can demonstrate your skills on. Mometrix Academy offers completely free practice CNA test questions provided by Mometrix Test Preparation. Secure catheter to inner thigh or to a man's abdomen (prevents excess movement and friction at insertion site). ), Hold down or keep back. Wrist & Mitt restraints-Should be able to slide 1 or 2 fingers under restraint; Criss-Cross vest restraints in FRONT - Can cause strangulation; Tie restraints according to agency policy-quick release ties or buckles are used; Secure straps out of person's reach; Leave 1-2 in. Person refuses to face or accept unpleasant or threatening things (Example: Man has a heart attack. Epidermis has no blood vessels and few nerve endings. Free Study Guides For The CNA Union Test Prep. All testing materials will be provided to you. Hips, knees, spine, fingers, and thumbs are affected. Page 1 Legal and Ethical Behavior Study Guide for the CNA The role of Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) brings with it certain legal and ethical responsibilities that are unique to the … A Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) assists nurses in patient healthcare, daily cares and simple medical procedures. FREE CNA Practice Test (Updated 2021) - 60 Questions. He says that the boss does not like him. Remove items from room in leak-proof plastic bags. Test Prep Book's CNA Study Guide 2018 & 2019: CNA Exam Preparation 2018 & 2019 and Practice Test Questions for the Certified Nurse Assistant Exam Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the CNA exam, this comprehensive study guide includes: •Quick Overview •Test-Taking Strategies •Introduction 3) Planning - Setting priorities and goals. MOUTH, NOSE, & EYE PROTECTION - Wear PPE masks, goggles, face shield for procedures & tasks likely to cause splashes and sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions and all appropriate procedures or tasks; For likely sprays of respiratory secretions wear Gloves, Gown, Faceshield or mask & goggles 6.) You can avoid some very unpleasant legal consequences by knowing what to do and how to do it. A CNA … Hinge Joint: Allows movement in one direction (elbow) 3. Keep person's & your fingernails short and smoothly filed. Rub palms together and wash for 15-20 seconds 8.) Pennsylvania Pearson CNA Exam Preparation & Registration. NA's can ONLY check the oxygen flow rate and report to nurse at once if it is too high or too low. 2) Nursing Diagnosis - Describes health problems. 1) Assessment - Collects information. You will find everything you need to successfully master both the written and skills part of the exam on this page. Allow person time to respond; Good skin care prevents pressure ulcers; Speech, physical, and occupational therapies are ordered; Assistive & self-help devices are used as needed; Support, encouragement, & praise are given; Complete a safety check before leaving the room, Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg - especially on one side; Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or understanding; Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes; Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination; Sudden, sever headaches with no known cause, Communicating with Hearing Impaired Person, Gain attention and alert person to your presence (DO NOT startle person); Position at person's level; Face person when speaking; have person wearing hearing aid and make sure it's on; have person wearing needed eyeglasses to help for speech-reading; Speak clearly, distinctly and slowly; adjust the pitch of your voice as needed and ask person if he or she can hear better now (lower without hearing aid and raise pitch with a hearing aid); DO NOT cover your mouth, smoke, eat, or chew gum while talking; keep hands away from face; stand or sit on side of better ear; State topic of conversation first; Tell person when you are changing the subject; Use short sentences and simple words; Use gestures & facial expressions to give useful clues; Write out important names and words; Say things in another way if person looks confused; Keep conversations & discussions short; Repeat & rephrase statements as needed; Be alert to messages sent by your facial expressions, gestures, and body language; Reduce or elimante background noise (shut-off radios, stereos, TVs air conditioners, and fans), Bacterial infection in the lungs that is spread by airborne droplets with coughing, sneezing, speaking & singing (respiratory system), Made up of glands that secrete hormones that affect other organs and glands, Occurs most often in children & young adults: Pancreas produces little or no insulin; Onset is rapid, increase in thirst & urination, constant hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and extreme fatigue. Within 30 days............... Within…, 1. an artificial limb... 2. Provide privacy during prayer & spiritual moments. Body should appear in a comfortable and natural position for family viewing. Care is done to maintain good appearance to the body and prevent discoloration and skin damage. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also available. Only palms of hands and soles of feet have no hair. The Certified Nursing Assistant … They may want family or friends present, talk about their fears & worries especially at night when things are quiet. Welcome to CNA Plus Flashcards! 13.) The Certified Nursing Assistant test is not easy to pass. Return reusable dishes, eating utensils, & trays to food service dept. The certified nursing assistant, or CNA, works under the supervision of an RN to meet the healthcare needs of patients, such as serving meals, measuring patients’ vital signs, and bathing patients. Replace a moist or soiled bandage. Others are more confused & disoriented--they do not know who or where they are. CNA Study Guide. December 31 2020. cna illinois exam quizlet. Retract foreskin (if uncircumcised), Clean tip using a circular motion; Start at meatus or urethra and work outward clean, using a clean part of washcloth for each time (do same when rinsing). (RN CHECKS PLACEMENT - NEVER NA's RESPONSIBILITY), Amount of fluid taken in (intake) and the amount of fluid lost (output) must be equal. is your ultimate source of free CNA practice tests - with 2021 updates! Test Prep Book's CNA Study Guide 2018 & 2019: CNA Exam Preparation 2018 & 2019 and Practice Test Questions for the Certified Nurse Assistant Exam Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the CNA exam, this comprehensive study guide … He learns to play music). 4. 9.) Psychological, Social , & Spiritual Needs for Dying Person. CNAs are required to take mandatory education as well as complete a CNA certification exam. Person keeps unpleasant or painful thoughts or experiences from the conscious mind (Example: Child was sexually abused. Residents who need to recover from surgery, fractures, or illnesses and regain strength & mobility to return to their former living situations. Created by. Most effective way to break the chain of infection. Test. Learn. Person has an intense fear of an object, situation, or actgivity. Without this, a person can only live a few days. Access Free Cna Clinical Skills Study Guide Cna Clinical Skills Study Guide As recognized, adventure as skillfully as experience nearly lesson, amusement, as skillfully as settlement can be gotten by just checking out a book cna clinical skills study guide as a consequence it is not directly done, you could say you will even more approaching this life, just about the world. ©2018 Rets Griffith (P)2018 Rets Griffith. No vaccine or cure, Make up for, replace, or substitute. It covers all of the major content areas with practice questions at the end of each chapter. Do following for prevention: Person smokes only in smoking areas; NO smoking in bed; NO smoking near oxygen equipment: Supervise persons smoking who cannot protect themselves; DO NOT use heating pads or electric blankets; Turn cold water on first, then hot - - turn hot water off first, then cold; Measure bath water temperature (110-115 degrees F) and check it before person gets in; Check for "hot spots" in water moving hand back and forth; Follow measures to prevent equipment accidents, Check wheel locks; Check for flat or loose tires; Check wheel spokes; Be sure casters point forward for balance and stability; Be sure person's feet are on footplates before pushing or repositioning (feet cannot touch or drag on floor); Push chair forward when transporting person, going backward ONLY through a doorway; Lock both wheels before you transfer person to or from the wheelchair; Follow care plan for keeping wheels locked when not mving wheelchair (locking would keep person from moving or getting out of chair is so desired); DO NOT let person stand on footplates; DO NOT let footplates fall back onto person's legs; Make sure person has needed safety belt, pouch, tray, lapboard or cushions; Remove armrests (if able) when transferring person to bed, toilet, commode, tub, or car; Swing front rigging out of way to transfer to & from wheelchair (some detach); Clean wheelchair according to agency policy; Ask nurse or PT to show you how to propel wheelchair up steps, ramps, and over curbs; Follow measure to prevent equipment accidents, Ask 2 co-workers to help with transfer; Lock stretcher wheels before transfer; Fasten safety straps when person is properly positioned on stretcher; Ask co-worker to help with transport; Raise side rails and keep up during transport; Be sure person's arms, hands, legs, and feet stay on stretcher; Stand at head of stretcher and co-worker stands at foot; Move stretcher FEET FIRST; DO NOT leave person alone; Follow measure to prevent equipment accidents, Involves promoting: Self-care, Elimination, Positioning, Mobility, Communication, Cognitive function; Focus's on the whole person, Has physical, social, psychological, and spiritual parts, Often needed when the hands, wrists, & arms are affected.

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